Camping Tips And Tricks (Part 2)

Camping Tips And Tricks (Part 2)

May 31, 2021

18 min read


Tips & tricks along with lessons learned from mishaps in the outdoors. In this post you'll learn from Emilé Newman (a snowboarder), Ryan Dickie (adventure photographer/cinematographer), Natalie Panek (an aerospace engineer) and Roberto Gomez (adventure photographer) who all share the same passion—spending time outside!

Emilé Newman 

Emilé wears many hats; she’s an environmentalist, snowboarder, yogi, climber, writer, biker, naturalist and much, much more. She’s passionate about getting outdoors and encouraging people to do the same while striving for inclusivity in that space. Pushing her comfort zone is what you will usually find her doing!

What is your favourite camping hack?

For longer packing trips I put a thick large trash bag in my backpacking pack to line it and keep my things dry. It also helps with separating dirty or wet things from your primary contents.

What is one of your favourite pieces of equipment/gear for camping that you can't live without?

I have two things - A watercolor set and A GSI outdoors compact scraper, it makes cleaning your bowls and pots to LNT standards so much easier!

Can you tell a short story of a time you have had something go wrong on a trip due to you forgetting an important item?

Honestly, I can’t think of anything, which is probably a good thing!

Ryan Dickie

Ryan is a talented and humble photographer and storyteller. Living in Northern BC he endures long winters and constant harsh weather in rugged terrain which in he does a great job of capturing and sharing. He has been learning more and more about his culture over the years and it has been really interesting to follow along with his journey of self discovery.

What is your favourite camping hack?

Flip one of the batteries in your headlamp to the wrong position when it is not in use, and stuffed in your bag. This will ensure you are not victim to unnecessary battery drain due to the often sensitive power-on button.

What is one of your favourite pieces of equipment/gear for camping that you can't live without?

The inReach has been a game changer for me. Many of my trips are solo, and/or completely off-the-grid. Having a GPS, and a direct line to safety in a small package is of huge value to me as a new father. I have also found the weather forecast feature to be quite accurate, which is great for planning and adapting as the expedition or trek advances.

Can you tell a short story of a time you have had something go wrong on a trip due to you forgetting an important item?

I am generally pretty dialled when it comes to trip preparedness and packing, but one time I legit forgot my food. I mean all the food, snacks and coffee included. I had driven nearly 3 hours before realizing it to a spot we were destined to fly out of via bush plane for a two week trip. As I recall, we also were stricken to taking off when the weather allowed us to, so the timing of departure was essentially out of our control. Fortunately I had some in-laws that were ready and willing to go for a cruise and bring me the food once I realized what I had done. They got there just in time, and the food was the last thing on the plane before we set off with the weather barrelling down on us.  Disaster and starvation averted.

Natalie Panek

Natalie is a rocket scientist, yes literally, who is advocating for the role of more women in the technology sector as well as holding companies accountable for their debris and litter in space. When she’s not in the lab she’s outdoors, probably in her packraft or hiking in the woods somewhere in the rockies!

What is your favourite camping hack?

I am not sure this qualifies as a hack, but having some knot-tying knowledge in your repertoire is a total game changer. Whether stringing a clothesline, putting up a hammock, setting up tarps, lashing down a tent in high winds, and so many other things! I have honestly always had a hard time learning knots and I regularly have to practice tying the ones that I do know, but knowing knots definitely enables a lot of things when outdoors.

What is one of your favourite pieces of equipment/gear for camping that you can't live without?

My packraft has really become my one piece of gear that I cannot live without. It has kind of become a thing, where I rarely leave for an adventure without it. You just never know when you are going to stumble across a body of water that you want to explore, which provides opportunities to see places from totally different perspectives.

Can you tell a short story of a time you have had something go wrong on a trip due to you forgetting an important item?

I am not sure why this is the first story that comes to mind - maybe because I am the type of person who starts a trip in the backcountry by thinking exactly about what I am going to eat when it is over - but a backpacking trip in Bruce Peninsula National Park a few years ago probably hits the mark. We had all our gear packed up in Toronto before we left the city and made a quick pit stop along the way to buy groceries. We had big plans to make an epic mac and cheese at our first campsite. But once we arrived and set up camp, we realized we had left absolutely everything behind that we needed to prepare dinner. Except for a bag of noodles. To salvage our grand dinner plans, I picked all the cheese off the cheese buns we had brought for lunch the next day, and tried to melt it over the noodles. Suffice to say it definitely left us wanting more...and not of the pasta!

Roberto Gomez

Roberto is always on some sort of adventure with his family, whether it's canoeing, kayaking, camping or skiing he does a great job of documenting and capturing the journey. He has 2 little ones with a third on the way, nature is a big part of their life and there is no doubt that his kids will grow up to be quite skilled in their outdoor pursuits with such an early start!

What is your favourite camping hack?

Finding the places we love… with nobody there. It’s all about going in the shoulder seasons/off seasons, and during the week. This way, we’re often the only ones there. Sure, it might be a bit more crisp, or snowing, but there’s some magic to having a mountaintop or lake all to yourself to camp by.

What is one of your favourite pieces of equipment/gear for camping that you can't live without?

A great mattress! After a long day of adventure, whether it be sea kayaking or hiking, or backcountry skiing—a lovely rest is always the best reward. But this of course, only made possible by having a good mattress— preferably with insulation, like Nemo’s Tensor sleeping pad.

Can you tell a short story of a time you have had something go wrong on a trip due to you forgetting an important item?

So many misadventures have happened to us due to forgetting something— but here’s the first that comes to mind. We were out sea kayaking in Newfoundland and departed from Bonne Bay in the middle of the night. We could see the phosphorescence acting up aplenty and were super excited to get out on the water. Under the cover of darkness, my buddy Wang-Tsu, my lady Bella, and I slipped our kayaks into the magma-like water— and experienced a sublime paddle out to our camp spot. Of course, as we set up the tents, I realized that I had left my sleeping bag in the truck! It was a crisp night being November, and so the three of us ended up cozying up real tight in a two person tent to keep warm. For the rest of my days, my buddy will never let me forget how I forgot such a crucial piece of equipment… my sleeping bag!

Be sure to follow along with them on Instagram to support their endeavours!


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